Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our third little blessing

Our third little blessing arrived on  September 6th at 10:30 a.m. Meet our littlest princess, Dannah Faith.

A session with my Sis

It's always fun to do a session with my beautiful sister!

Little Leila

Such a beautiful 2 week old baby girl

A little bit of LOVE and a whole lotta BASEBALL

These kids are definitely good lookin'! I know Ashton loves his sister, but he is passionate about baseball.

Daniel is 6!

It's so hard to believe how quickly time passes, especially when you're watching your own children grow older. I know I'll say this every year, but I cannot believe my son is six!


Here's the winner of the Facebook referral contest. I just love her!

Bug Camp

A camping we will go!


Beautiful Little Miss Kaley

Ok...so I'm trying to play catch up on my blog posts. Here goes!

This little beauty was 3 months old when we did her session. Is she not a doll??!!